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Fox News Host Blasts Government About Their Stance On E-Cigarettes

Posted by on 4/5/2015 to News

Fox News' always vocal and quite often hilarious host of "The Five" quit smoking because of e-cigarettes. Because of that, he has been just about the only major news personality that has lashed out whenever he sees the devious practices that the anti-ecigarette zealots have tried to employ.

In his latest rant, Gutfield points to the government and says that the real reason that so many - mostly Democrats - are opposed to e-cigarettes has nothing to do with health. It's all about money and not only the tax dollars they are losing because of the emergence of electronic cigarettes, but the money that hospitals are losing because of the way their settlement with Big Tobacco was set up. 

Gutfeld's got it partially right. It's definitely about the tax money and Big Tobacco money the government is losing but it's also all about the money the pharmaceutical and health care industries are losing because of e-cigarettes. Less money made on pharmaceutical smoking cessation products, less money made on stop smoking programs and less money filling beds with cancer patients - something that pharmaceutical solutions have never been a real threat to.

That also equates to less money given to political campaigns of those who aren't trying to outlaw e-cigs from politicians' two biggest contributors - Big Pharma and the health care industry. When it comes to government, it's always about the money. Their job is to create the spin that makes it seem like they are they are looking out for the public's interests instead of their own! 

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